Meet the


Personal Profile

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Del Goh

Last Active: 2024-12-11 09:39:23

Industry Background:


Area(s) of Mentorship:

Operations, Human Resource & Talent Management, Sales & Growth, Business Mindset, Media, Marketing, and Communications; Internationalization


I have over 10 years of experience in the franchise industry, and over 15 years in the food and beverage industry. I am also one of the founders for Brunei's first stand-up and improv comedy company that has entertained Bruneians for the past 10 years. It will be a great privilege to be able to bring my experience and help guide any up-and-coming individuals who have the interest of going into similar fields, from aspiring entrepreneurs to first-time business owners; and be able to learn from them as well.


Company Logo

Director, Iskandar Curry House

Company Logo

Managing Director, KFC